Mel - UXE


Nice to meet you!

I'm Melody Yu

Human-Centered Front-End Developer

Profile picture of Melody Yu

About Melody

Hey there!
Very nice to meet you! I'm currently at Cornell Tech, studying Information Science and Applied Information Systems. I'm passionate about user experience, user interface, and build 🛠️ (Proud alumni of Human Centered Design & Engineering @ UW). I was a REACT front-end developer (mobile/web) before joining Cornell Tech. I'm a big fan of design thinking, user research, and user testing! Love to learn about different interactions and currently interested in VR!

Feel free to check out my past UX portfolio that I kept when I was at University of Washington.
I've been meaning to upload my recent projects, please keep an eye on this! Drop a message/question at my Cornell email

Built by 2021-2022

As a Front-End Engineer and UX Designer at Eucare, I worked on both the CMS web portal and the main telehealth mobile app.

In this Medium blog , I share my design philosophy and showcase key screens I implemented.

Redesigned in 2018-2019

This is the official Communities Count website, which I collaborated on with another intern to design an old site.

Together, the team researched, redesigned, and launched it in May of 2019. The site retains a similar structure to our original site!

Created in 2021

This mockup replicates the Airbnb website as of 2021.

I built by using HTML and CSS for a close visual and layout resemblance.